Get in touch

If you would like to interview me for broadcast or publication, please email me the details. A high-resolution publicity photo can be found on the ‘About’ page.

If you would like me to speak at an event please provide the following details:
- Estimated audience size and profile
- Date and location
- Travel and payment arrangements
- Type of conference (if delegates are charged, the cost of a ticket)

Advice on investigations and Freedom of Information requests
If you need help submitting FOIs or appealing responses from public bodies, please consult my book ‘Your Right To Know’. It contains a lot of information on using the FOIA effectively. You can also look at the website to see how other requests have been handled.

I choose what to investigate based on personal interest but it also needs to have a wider impact on society.  My main areas of interest are: the criminal justice system (specifically the police, courts, prosecution service), institutional misogyny, parliament, land ownership and feudal aspects of the UK (including the monarchy).  If you think your issue is suitable, please include a summary of no more than 150 words. Describe the main issue clearly right at the top. Specifics and actual evidence are vital; this includes any documents, case studies, recordings and personal examples you might have. What I also advise is that people do as much of their own investigation as they can. No one is going to be more interested in your case than you. I provide a number of tools in ‘Your Right to Know’. 

If your question is about the expenses scandal or related matters of transparency in public services, then most of the information you seek is contained in ‘The Silent State’ or other articles. If you want to know about FOI law either in theory, in practice or in relation to journalism then ‘Your Right to Know’ is the place to turn. 

Writing and Mentoring
I plan to open space soon for mentoring with both journalists and writers. If you are interested, please drop me an email describing your project. 

Email : or fill in the form below